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Logo Designs
Here are some examples of logos we have done for the Pasadena SDA church. This are not the actual logos, they are just samples. If you are interested in a logo, please contact us. We can make logos for church events, clubs, ministry's, sermons, and revivals. Contac us for Logo pricing.
Pasadena Men's Ministry Logo
Here is a sample of the Pasadena SDA Church Men's ministry Logo.
Pasadena SDA Couples Ministry Logo
Here is a sample of the Pasadena Couples Ministry
Pasadena SDA Church Children's Ministry
Here we have a sample of the children's ministry
Pasadena AV Team
Here the Pasadena SDA Church AV team logo. Ave Stands for Audio and Video.
Pasadena SDA Church Spiritual Guardians
Here is a sample of the Pasadena SDA Spiritual Guardian Team
Pasadena SDA Church Bible team
Here is a sample of the Pasadena SDA church Bible team.
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